There is a link here. Apache - Lone Ranger - Kenny Everett. It's impossible to explain old Kenny, but he was completely beloved in the UK in the 70s and early 80s. The bawdy humour was similar to that of Benny Hill, but not lecherous, and somehow there was a warmth to him that Benny didn't have.
Here's a wee warning, though. This video, strangely, is Not Really Safe For Work, despite the fact that it was broadcast at 8pm on ITV and neither my mum nor dad thought there was anything in it I shouldn't be watching at the age of 7. The Kenny Everett Video Show was anarchic, sexy, silly, and above all hilarious over-the-top fun. Possibly the most dangerous he ever got was the creation of a character called Cupid Stunt, but hey, that was the 80s, and we don't like to talk about 'round these here parts.
Poor little bugger. I miss the guy.
Little known fact: Kenny was the voice of Charley the Cat from those scary public information films we showed you last month. True story, found it in Wikipedia.
Jual Grease Pertamina Industri COD Cikarang
5 years ago
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