Honestly, what the hell were they thinking? This could go under the Simple 70s Games tag, as it's about as simple as it gets, you have a bunch of balls on sticks, and move them around the board and try to hit as many opponents balls as possible.
But to be serious, we can't tag it that way. It's a full-on question mark of a game made entirely out of what-the-effery, designed to be useless within five days of play as balls fly off the sticks and get lost in the gap in the sofa. If you enjoyed playing this as a kid, I doff my cap to you, but there was no way it could keep me entertained for more than a rainy afternoon.
You're better off with Ker-Plunk.
Jual Grease Pertamina Industri COD Cikarang
5 years ago
1 comment:
This is just like a spoof ad from some BBC3 sketch show! I love it!
"You're a ball buster!" :-D
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