Believe it or not, this actually the opening 8 minutes to a 1975 children's TV show from the UK called Sky. We've spoken many times before about how children's TV executives back then were definitely dropping acid, but this one looks like the result of a seriously bad trip. You know the ones... Where demons appear in front of you, naked and snarling, and although their heads are upright, their bodies, instead of standing on the floor, disappear upwards into the clouds, which are crimson, and rain blood and Hersheys chocolate syrup down on you, and all you can do to make them leave is to climb a tree and cry and cry and cry.
Ahem. So, yes. Sky. He's a mostly naked albino alien child and he's hiding in the leaves in a forest near you. The obvious thing to do would be to take him into your house and make him your friend, yes?
Jual Grease Pertamina Industri COD Cikarang
5 years ago
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